Daily Structure
All activities will focus on developing your preschoolers academic, social, verbal, and emotional skills.
Everyday will include:

Imaginative Play
Multiple stations for your child to self choose including-
Work Bench
Doll House
and more

Preschool Academics
ABC's, 123's, and much more!!
Our goal is to have children grasp age appropriate educational concepts not just memorize, through engaging, interactive and fun ways to learn
Arts and Crafts
Group and solo activities based on the season, current curriculum, and more

Physical Activities
Every session will include group physical activities like
Hokey Pokey

and bells to name a few of our options

Story Time
What would daycare be without story time!! Â
We take story time to the next level to include group discussions /Â questions and answers, acting scenes out...whatever it takes to instill a love of reading in every child
Structured learning times are from 930am-11am, and 3pm-5pm. Breakfast is 8am Lunch is 12pm, nap time is 1pm All meals and snacks are included
Looking for more information about our program? Get in touch now